They have a great feature where you set a reading goal for yourself and are able to keep on track by entering the books you've read and the date that you finished.
In my first year, I set a goal of 1 book a week for 52 total. I did it.
Then last year I decided my New Year's Resolution was to read ALL of my James Patterson books. That was 68 in total. I was doing well on that path but there is always something else that comes up that I want to read (like a new Janet Evanovich or something.) So, I finished my goal on the very last day of the year by reading a freebie that I had gotten on the iPad. But I finished.
This year...I'm making my goal even harder-70 books! I have a book list to follow. Mostly to finish all the James Patterson books that I didn't get to last year (including the 10 or so that I received for Christmas this year). I'm also wanting to read books that are set in various locations in North Carolina. I love nothing more that reading along with something and being able to completely relate to the setting. I found a website earlier this year that provided a literary map of North Carolina. What a great way to "tour" the state in a completely different way!
Of course I love reading Margaret Maron and Nicholas Sparks books but I'm also looking for other, lesser known, authors that provide that same "down home" feeling to the story. As a native North Carolinian (and there aren't that many of us), I think this is a great way to get in touch with "The Old North State". For any of you that aren't native, consider these as an introduction to places you haven't possibly explored yet.
Please feel free to follow along with me on my 2014 journey here on my blog. I'm adding a widget as I have in the past to the sidebar. Or you can keep up over at If you have suggestions for good reads (I'm not into romance novels), pass them along. The best way to discover new stories is by sharing with each other.
Happy Reading and Happy New Year!