B&W Damask

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Proud to be an American

20 years ago I arrived on the campus of UNC-Greensboro to learn more about government and leadership. Thanks to the dedicated staff, I enjoyed one of the best weeks of my life. I have been so lucky to continue this tradition every June since.
I'm in there somewhere...
The Tar Heel Girls State program has been such a huge part of my life, I tend to forget that a lot of people don't exactly know what it is. There are so many that have never even heard of it. In a nutshell, THGS is week long workshop in the legislative process sponsored by the North Carolina American Legion Auxiliary. North Carolina's program is the longest continuously-running (this was the 74th session!!) Girls State program in the United States. For a week in June, approximately 300 of North Carolina's most promising rising high school senior girls from every part of the state come together to learn about and  participate in various parts of government. The "citizens" will form a mock city & state government throughout their week including creating a political party with platform ideas and participating in a mock state legislature by debating and voting on bills and laws.

We have been blessed with amazing speakers over the years including past governors, US Senators Elizabeth Dole & John Edwards (pre-scandal) and many state & local politicians and experts in various fields. Certain speakers have developed such a fondness for the program, that they consistently return to speak to and empower these young ladies.
Janet Ward Black, Attorney in Greensboro and Elaine Marshall, North Carolina Secretary of State (taken 2013)
After being at UNCG for so many years, we relocated to the campus of Catawba College 12 years ago. The people of this school have been so gracious and wonderful to us over the years. I can honestly say, several of them I count among my friends because of this association.

The week is filled with SO many activities. Sessions are scheduled almost non-stop from 8AM to 9PM. Our staff meetings don't even start until 11:00 at night! Whew...this makes for such a long week. But I wouldn't trade a single minute of it.

The feeling of doing something good for young ladies that have so many of the same passions as I did back in high school coupled with the AMAZING relationships I have built over the years drives me to return year after year (after year).

A lot of you know the story about how I met JGIII while being a bridesmaid in my friend's wedding. That friend was made through years of being counselors together at THGS. We truly have a lifelong friendship that goes way beyond the boundaries of this program-JGIII and I consider her and her family, our family.

myself and Andrea at Catawba before an inauguration (circa 2005-the year she married her husband and introduced me to mine)
She's only one of the great friends I've made by attending and working this program for so long. I'm not even sure I could count up all the wonderul people that have touched my life in the past 20 years. And every year I meet more girls that hold a special place in my heart.

2005 Staff in Clifford, the Big Red Truck
I may only see these ladies for one week out of the year (although I sure wish it was more often) but I consider them sisters in my life.We have shared so many things over the years like weddings and babies but we've also helped each other through hardships. If nothing else, I know each and every one of these women would be there for me no matter what I needed. And that road goes both ways.
Julie, me, Susan, Andrea (taken 2006)
Saturday's closing ceremonies are always so bittersweet for me. I DEFINITELY need sleep when it's all over and going home to my own bed is the goal all throughout the week but saying "goodbye" to them is one of the hardest things I will do.

Rena, Marsha, Susan, Julie, me, Grace, Anna (taken 2012)
I know a time will come in the future when I'm not successful at this and need to move on. For now...I think I'll enjoy that one week every June when I get to reconnect with these special people. I love you all and am so proud to call each of you my friend. Thank you for everything...

Bridgette, me, Marsha, Julie, Grace, Susan (taken 2013)
I can only hope that the young women of this 74th session of Tar Heel Girls State feel the same level of dedication from some of the best women (and friends) I have ever known.

I can't end this post without a rendition of one of the more emotional things from our week. As corny as it seems to some, Lee Greenwood's song "God Bless the U.S.A." has become a favorite of ours, both because of the patriotism we share as participants and because of the direct connection many of us have to the military. This song is amazing when you hear 300+ people singing together.

1 comment:

  1. I had such a great time this past week at Girls State. Thank you for all the hard work you put into the program and for this blog that you wrote. I hope I will get to come back year after year as you have to participate more and watch a new group of girls have an awesome week. :)
